Roșia Montană is, starting 2021, as it well deserves, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Some more than excellent piece of news that we considered was very much worth celebrating so we took a whole week of vacation (actually 10 days) this summer to spend it in and around the village (not to mention, of course, that we have been regular visitors for years now, regardless of the season).

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Beginning of February we paid Roșia Montană another visit – this time to enjoy the snow, to practice some hiking skills with our 4 years old daughter and to spend some time in this beautiful village, full of history.

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At a first sight, Roșia Montană is just another typical Transylvanian village. Set at a base of the Apuseni Mountains, with picturesque views and beautiful architecture (but with houses that do suffer from degradation), with a mixture of different nationalities living in it, with traditions and a feeling of time standing still.

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Since I wrote about our 2018 travels outside of Romania, it seemed legit to offer Romania its 15 minutes of fame and have a summary of the places we checked out in the country last year. We’re mostly traveling around the country during the weekend, except for a more extended seaside trip and a  4 – 5 days hiking trip.

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