Being in Germany for a short trip and staying in Nurtingen, having a quick visit at the Hohenneuffen Castle nearby is a good option if you have some spare time and the weather is absolutely beautiful.


Hohenneuffen Castle is a large ruined castle in the northern foothills of the Swabian Alb, above the town of Neuffen in the district of Esslingen in Baden-Württemberg. The medieval castle is situated on a large late Jurassic rock on the edge of the Swabian Alb at an elevation of 743 min a strategically advantageous location on the slopes of the mountain range.


It’s very easy to get there by car. The castle is open for the public, without having to pay any entrance fee. They also have a restaurant, a beer garden and a kiosk. But most importantly, it has a great view over the towns surrounding it. If you get a bit of a clear sky, that is…


Here it is on the map :
